Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pick SEA Aquarium!

Hey Candice! It's been quite a while since I last talk to you and I have heard that you will be visiting Singapore soon. Due to your limited time on visiting around Singapore, I recommend you to go to the SEA Aquarium which is located at Sentosa. It is one of the top attractions as listed in the TripAdvisor.

The Tickets!

SEA Aquarium is targeted to staying visitors as tourists who normally come to Singapore do not just come here just to visit the aquarium but also to visit other attractions and they would normally stay for a few nights. While for their target markets, one of them are families as they can spend quality family time together and parents can bring their children there to see the sea creatures and also for educational purpose. It is also possible for them to target couples, empty nesters, ageing people as the aquarium is considered quite a calm and peaceful place for this target markets to relax as well as admire the different types of sea creatures there. Of course, not to mention the sea creatures lovers!

It is quite accessible to travel down to the SEA Aquarium and if you are not clear on how to get there, the official website does state on the directions and way to go. It is accessible by car or taxi, and if you want a cheaper mode of transport, like the monorail at Vivocity and even better, you can just walk straight to Sentosa using the Sentosa Broadwalk so you will not be worried that you will get lost while finding you way there. For some additional information, the ticket pricing is according to Adults priced at $29 and Child/Student Price/Senior at $20 and it is really worth the money making a trip down to the attraction for a visit.

Ticketing Price:
Ticket TypeAdult
(4 to 12 years old)
(60 years old & above)
One Day Pass*
One Day Pass+
Typhoon Theatre & Priority QueueStarting from $10#

You must be wondering out of so many attractions in Singapore, why SEA Aquarium? Well there are a lot of motivating factors on why you should visit. Firstly, it is a form of educational purpose whether is it children or anyone of all ages by providing details of the different species of fishes that they have there, the habitats they dwell in and on the conservation of the sea in order to prevent more sea creatures to die of pollution with the signboards and displays. This not only provide a spectacular view but also allow visitors to have a greater insight of the marine animal's life they live in. Secondly, it helps to improve a status of an individual. For example, seeing everyone boasting on their trip to the aquarium makes oneself to have the desire to go and tell everyone that you have went before thus increase one's pride. Thirdly,is a form of relaxation and rejuvenation as mentioned earlier because of the atmosphere that is peaceful and nice to have a change from our normal routine which is exciting and fun. Lastly, of course it's because it's the world largest aquarium and visitors would be curious on how huge it is and the experience together with other visitors. Not to mention that the place is very accessible which is a bonus point for the attraction. Looking at all these factors, is it not a temptation to go there too? I am sure you will enjoy the trip there very much. 

Boards and information displays provided!

The SEA Aquarium offers a range of products whether it is the core, tangible or augmented. 

Core Product
The main point of visiting the attraction, according to SEA Aquarium itself, the purpose is to allow the visitors to experience themselves the underwater world with all the different marine creatures in the world's largest aquarium, letting them feel fascinated by the sights and excitement. Other than that, the visitors will be experiencing the same feeling together with all the other visitors there, sharing the event with like-minded people. In addition, the service we got from the staff there were great, serving us with their best attitude and with a smile. 

Tangible Product
In SEA Aquarium, the most important tangible products you need to get is the brochures they provide there so that you can get around the place easily. The brochure also acts as an information booklet where there is a short description and details on each of the attraction highlights they have. Not to forget that they will also state the f&b outlets there as well as tips and information on the attraction itself.

Brochures provided at the entrance!

Augmented Product 
As you know, augments products are additional benefits and services provided other than the attraction for customers, both tangible and intangible. The SEA Aquarium operating hours is from 10am to 7pm normally the trip will take around 2 hours plus. There are also F&B outlets for visitors who have to satisfy their hunger after walking for so long and souvenirs shops where tourist can buy back the stuff toys or mugs etc.. Most importantly they have wheelchair friendly facilities. For example, at some point in the aquarium there will be slopes and stairs where it will be more convenient for the handicapped visitors to move around the place. There are also railings for elderly to hold on to around the aquarium. There even have a nursing room for guests who want to us it. Thus, they will have a more enjoyable experience at the aquarium and they are happy with what they want that can be readily provided for them. Other than the SEA Aquarium, you can also enjoy the Typhoon theater and the Souk and galleries that provide more activities and information on other aspects rather than just only knowing more about the marine creatures, which will help to gaining more knowledge.

The Souk Place where it shows the history of trade in Asia Countries

In any attractions, there will be challenges that the attraction need to face. One of the challenge is the staff that are involved in the production and delivery of the product. Staff are actually part of the product itself as their service to the visitors will change their whole experience at the attraction. For example, staff that provide a bubbly attitude and a pleasant smile towards the visitors will allow them to have a more enjoyable experience being happily serve whereas is you are being served with a very bad attitude from the staff you might not even want to continue with the trip as you will not be happy about it. 

The customers themselves are involved in the production process. Different visitors have different expectations when they visit the attraction. For example, a visitor might feel very happy that the attraction met their expectation with it being the largest aquarium and how beautiful all the marine creatures are which makes them happy but as compared to someone who is disappointed that the place is not as attractive and interesting as it state to be, it might dampened the whole experience of the trip there.

The service product is not standardized. This could be due to the weather or service so the it can change the experience of the trip at the attraction. For example, he staff of the place might not provide the same details or explanation with different people which cause confusion and wrong information to the people who are interested in the sea creatures. 

The product is perishable, cannot be stored. A product that you cannot take it back with you is products that are perishable. For example, the tickets to the aquarium although it can be reused within that day itself, the tickets cannot be used for other days if you want to go again. 

There is no tangible product to carry home. It is like the experience and atmosphere you get when you are at the attraction, like the fascination and excitement. For example, the satisfaction you get when you are able to see the marine creatures and the atmosphere of the place are things that you are not able to bring back home.

The surroundings of the service delivery process are a feature of the service. This is like the environment of the sea aquarium and close to the sea creatures kind of feel. It is also be link back to the atmosphere. For example, if the place is being very nice decorated people would like to go back and stay there longer unlike a place where it is old and ruined.

As mentioned above, the targeted market for the SEA Aquarium are the Families,  Tourists as well as Marine Creatures lovers. It had met the needs for the Families segment as it is a form of educational purpose where it'll benefit both adults and children. This is also where a time families can have a get together a treat it as a leisure activity so as to spend more time with each other. Also it is easily accessible so it will be convenient for families with have children to bring them there. While for the Tourists segment, it is basically the same that it is of educational purposes, spending leisure time with family and friends, it is easily accessible so that tourist will have a better guide on how to go there and to experience world’s largest aquarium as a form of status to tell people that you have visited the attraction before. Lastly for the Marine Creatures lovers segment, It could also be of status to brag to other marine creatures lovers on the visit, learning on the different types of marine creatures as well as the conservation part because they will want to give a helping hand to help improve the lives of the marine creatures. 

You might have known that there is a competition between The Underwater World and The SEA Aquarium. I shall explain to you why the SEA Aquarium is a much better place to visit than the Underwater World. SEA Aquarium has a larger aquarium than the underwater world as well as having more exhibitions and displays. At SEA Aquarium, there are a few galleries/highlights which are the Ocean Gallery, Ocean Dome, Shipwreck Habitat, Shark Seas, Discovery touch pool and moray eel dome and Coral sea. Not to forget there is the history of trading in the ASEAN place to show how trading in different parts of Asia trade and there is also a typhoon theater showing a breathtaking shipwreck simulation with enhanced special effects on a 360 degrees screen. As compared to Underwater World, SEA Aquarium also has newer and more decorative appearance whether is it on the outside of inside. If you are also keen to know whether is it successful on promoting itself? My answer would be yes. This is because it does provide all the galleries and information that they mentioned in the brochures and visitors are getting the satisfaction from the visit at the attraction itself.

One of the highlight attraction at SEA Aquarium: Ocean Dome
The 180 degrees vista (9m in diameter)

The Bao Chuan Show just right outside the SEA Aquarium

There are a few impacts on the attraction which are the economic and environmental impacts. 

Economic Impact:
-  Country: Draw significant foreign countries into Singapore because there will be an increase in the number of tourist coming to Singapore and thus there will also be an increase in revenue. There will also be the income for the government with the taxes from the employees working there, and the taxes from the items that the tourist bought from the SEA Aquarium for example the F&B outlet and the souvenirs sold there.

-   Citizens/residents: Because of the taxes and such, the fees for going to the aquarium is much more expensive because of the increasing number of tourist that for attraction places the government tend to increase the rate of the gst and service charge.

-  External parties: With the increase number of tourist, they will also visit other attractions and shopping which help to contribute to the revenue earn in Singapore. This is because the tourist won’t be coming to Singapore just to visit the SEA Aquarium itself but other attractions.

Environmental impact:
-  Citizens/Residents: Loving and knowing the importance of taking care and the conservation of the sea creatures more, the overcrowding at the attraction itself may cause inconvenience to other customers who may ruin the atmosphere and sense of space and peace to admire the sea creatures. Some people who went there for example, took photos of the sea creatures when they are not supposed to may cause harm to the sea creatures because the flash from their camera may affect the temperature of the water and led to the sea creature’s comfortableness. 

Hopefully you will enjoy yourself when you visit the SEA Aquarium and hope that the information that I provided for you is useful enough. See you soon and take care!
